Lake Country K9 to 5 LLC Lake Country K9 to 5 LLC

Why Do Cat Sitters Refuse EOD (Every other Day) Visits?

Your Looking to go away for the weekend. You dont have dogs that need to be walked and your cats are fed with automatic or Timed Feeders, and you have a fancy Litter box. They should be Fine to be left alone if You leave Friday morning and Come back Sunday Evening Right?

They dont need to be let outside or walked around the block like a dog so Whats the point in hiring anyone to come check on them at all let alone every single day?

We are glad you asked!

Contrary to Popular Belief Most cats (yes even the shy ones) are Social Creatures and enjoy human Company (even if its from under the bed) Cats get Lonely and bored and Being the mischievous creatures they are this can lead to major issues.

Besides the Fact that most Liability Insurance Companies do not provide coverage for EOD visits; As Professional Pet Sitters We have seen it all (and more then you could imagine) go wrong when it comes to the trouble cats can get themselves into being left alone even just for 24 hours.

  • Automated Feeders LOVE to malfunction when Owners go out of town, this means without a sitter coming at least once a day your cat misses meals.

  • The Gas Knobs on your stove? We have come into gas filled houses from a cat accidentally knocking them to the on position.

  • We have seen cats turn on sinks that have then overflowed. Without a pet sitter coming thats water running for days plus water damage to your counter and floors.

  • But By far the Worst story which gained us a long term client was an elderly cat Owners left friday Came back monday. They had been doing this several times a year since the cat was a kitten and never had an issue. This cat in his old age developed some separation anxiety; When His Owners came back he had licked his belly Bald Causing a Blockage. He Was near death by the time they got him to the emergency vet, and spent a little over 3,000$ to have blockage surgery. These owners Hired Us Immediately After realizing they likely could have saved themselves $2910 had they just paid for once per day visits for the weekend. They Hire us for once per day while they are gone and all their cats havent had issues since. This is obviously an extreme case and told with their permission.

    With that said It does shed light on the very real dangers of EOD visits (or even No visits at all) and why the Majority of cat sitters refuse them.

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Lake Country K9 to 5 LLC Lake Country K9 to 5 LLC

Why Pet Sitters and Dog Walkers Don’t Always Pickup the phone.

You’ve decided to book a vacation or that you need a dog walker; You’ve heard about professional pet sitters, and the advantages of real care for your pets. A quick search on Google has found you a few company names.

~You pick up the phone and dial the first one…

~ Voicemail.

~You try again a few minutes later, and you get the voicemail again.

You are unsure of why nobody is picking up the phone. After all, it’s the middle of the day. You’re asking yourself “What is going on? I need to find a pet sitter now!”

Don’t panic! We get it. We know it can be frustrating to get voicemail when you call… But we promise we are not ignoring you!

Here are some of the top reasons why your pet sitter may not be picking up the phone right away:

– Your pet sitter/Dog walking is driving

By any definition, pet sitting and dog walking includes providing pet care at their owner’s home. As such, pet sitters and dog walkers are required to spend a lot of time on the road and in their vehicles, getting to many clients in a day. Not only it is illegal to use a cell phone while driving, it is also very challenging to note information or check the schedule for availability while doing so. We’ve heard of pet sitters taking phone calls and bookings while driving, only to forget about the details (literally) down the road, with the consequences you can imagine.

– Your pet sitter or Dog walker is walking dogs

It is basically impossible to have a cell phone conversation while holding a leash, a poop bag, and a notebook. The sound of the wind, people, and cars passing by make it difficult to listen clearly. Add a rabbit to the picture, and it’s a recipe for disaster. Not only is it not professional to operate this way, it can be flat-out dangerous.

As most dog walks are performed between 10 am and 4 pm, you can expect your pet sitter to be busy during these hours.

– Your pet sitter or dog walker is currently at a client’s home

Many may wonder why their pet sitter may not be picking up the phone during the rest of the day, like when they are caring for a kitty or after bringing a dog back from a walk.

We used to pick up the phone and return calls in our client’s houses, but then we realized that most phone calls would last anywhere from 5 to 15 minutes. It’s unfair to our existing clients to have their pet sitter on the phone instead of paying attention to their pets. Plus, with more households having indoor cameras, security systems and home automation these days (Alexa!), it raises genuine concerns regarding privacy and personal information, where conversations could be watched and recorded.

To continue the previous point, many professional pet sitters are on a tight schedule. There are only so many hours in a day to perform all the pet sitting visits and walks, and delays can significantly impact a pet sitter’s ability to get everything done. Needless to say, there is no way we can miss a single visit where you pets are concerned!

Most of the (legit) phone calls we receive are from new clients inquiring about services, availability, pricing and policies. Because we want to be thorough in our answers, it is not unusual for these phone calls to go on for longer than a few minutes.

As we can receive several inquiries a day, answering each one “on the spot” or when we’re between two clients would mean putting us back in the schedule each time. Unfortunately, this is not a sustainable situation, especially during busy times – and we feel it’s unfair to our scheduled clients to be late for their visits.

– Your pet sitter or dog walker is currently meeting with a client

A delicate part of this job is the meeting new clients and their pets. Most pet sitters will conduct consultations and “meet & greet” sessions after business hours, or on the weekend. Of course, as a courtesy, we won’t be able to pick up the phone during a meeting.

– Its after Business hours and we are spending time with family

Just like everyone else, your pet sitter/dog walker needs some personal time and can’t always pick up the phone, especially around dinner time, when picking up kids at school, or late at night. Be mindful that when you call around those times, it is likely you will have to leave a voicemail.

So, what’s the best way to communicate with your new pet sitter if he or she can’t pick up the phone right away?

We’re glad you asked!

First, visit the website. These days, many pet sitters will put a lot of effort into their website, to design an eye-catching homepage where all the information is readily accessible.

Most websites will list the services provided, information about pricing, cancellation policies, credentials and their “area of service”. Within minutes, you can learn if a company is a good fit for your specific needs and save YOU a lot of time.

Once you’ve found your perfect pet sitter or dog walker; Take a Close look at their website, Is there An Email Inquiry form to use? Or Like Lake Country K9 to 5 Does this sitter have a new client Screening Button that allows you to submit a Questionnaire with all your person all pet information on it?

At Lake Country K9 prescreen Forms Are the best way to get ahold of us.

Why? Because it allows you to fill out all the questions we would ask on the phone, as well as your personal information (Location) and your dogs information, your visit information (time-bock requesting) at your convenience and it allows US to review this information at our convenience and be able to tell Right away if we will be able to accommodate your service request or if you need to refer you to another professional. This is a convenience for both parties saving time and piece of mind knowing when we call back we have all the information we need AND we can either accommodate your request or we have a referral ready for you!

Now of course, there’s nothing wrong with leaving a voicemail or sending a text. But for all the reasons listed above, you might have to wait for the pet sitter to be in the best situation to call you back.

Hopefully, we’ve been able to explain why pet sitters and dog walkers may not pick up their phone during the day and return calls as quickly as they’d wish.

A successful pet sitting company is a busy company, with lots going on and many clients and pets to keep safe and happy. We desire nothing more than to add you and your pets to our ever-growing family.

If we don’t pick up the phone, don’t give up on us! And if you don’t feel like talking to a machine, shoot us an email. We will get back to you soon. We promise.

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Lake Country K9 to 5 LLC Lake Country K9 to 5 LLC

Winter walking tips and tricks

1.Hire a professional dog walker. Let us do the hard work for you! If you’re not a big fan of the cold weather, hiring a professional dog walking service may be the perfect balance for your dog’s exercise needs. 

2.Get appropriate outdoor gear for your dog. Jackets and sweaters can provide warmth and shield wind and snow. They also Make paw protection waxes from ice, salt, and snow — try all-natural Musher’s Secret. Consider using pet-safe salt or de-icing techniques around your home.   Don’t forget to let your professional Dog Walker know where you keep all your dogs outdoor gear, so they can utilize them as needed.

3. Indoor activities. Dogs Get Just as Much Stimulation and wear out just as well from Mental Exercise. Keep your dog’s mind active by turning mealtime into playtime, with interactive puzzle games, and scent/nose work games. Play hide and seek throughout the house to keep your dog engaged. Teach him a new trick or Give her some chew time with a bone. Teach them to walk on a treadmill. The possibilities are endless for indoor fun!


Winter doesn’t need to hinder your dog’s physical or mental health. Follow this advice and stay active!

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Lake Country K9 to 5 LLC Lake Country K9 to 5 LLC

First Time Dog Owner?

Once in a while, everyone entertains the idea of getting a dog. If you made up your mind and you are ready to welcome a new member to your family, you need to consider certain things. Especially, when it comes to dogs. These lovely animals can bring a lot of joy, but they also come with certain responsibilities.

Choose the Right Breed For You

If you haven’t settled for a specific breed, take time to decide what type of dog will suit your lifestyle. Research both the physical features as well as the temperament of each breed you are interested in. Each breed differs not only in terms of size, shape, color and fur, but also in their temperaments.

Some dogs can be extremely active and need a lot of walking. On the other hand, smaller dog types get tired more easily. Make a research and align it with your expectations about your dog.

Do you prefer a breed that is easy to train? Or you simply want a loyal companion.

Examine the needs of each dog type. Also, think about your daily activities and how owning a dog would affect them. Let’s get it clear from the start – house cleaning is a must. Many new dog owners jump straight into the idea and then feel pressured by the endless obligations.

Are you a Lawyer who is Single works long hours, takes Lots of out of town Business trips and just wants to relax and unwind when you get home? A Border Collie Likely isn’t going to be a great match in this case.

Another Thing to Consider is WHERE you get your dog from. I am not getting into the breeder vs rescue argument. There is a need for BOTH and BOTH have their good and Bad establishments. Make sure you do YOUR due Diligence and be sure your supporting a reputable breeder or rescue. Does the breeder, do Puppy Culture? Social Puppies? Are they raised in Home or In a kennel in the yard. Does the breeder ask you questions to match Not only their breed to your lifestyle but the individual puppy to you? And so much more!

For rescues Do they do Home checks? Do they Have an application process. Do they have a Color System (most common) to match a dogs personality and temperament to potential adoption applications or can you walk right through and choose any pay and go?

Dog– proof Your Home

Just like younger kids, dogs can be very curious which might eventually lead to troubles. There are items around your home that constitute danger for your furry friend. The problem is many of these hazards are not as obvious. For example, a bottle filled with volatile cleaning product might turn into a chew toy. You need to Dog Proof from the perspective of a Dog.

Proper Welcoming

Changes are stressful, even for Dogs. Remember the 3-3- 3 rule It takes 3 days for your new dog to decompress. It takes 3 Weeks for your new dog to feel comfortable and learn your routine and it takes 3 months for them to build trust. We suggest Not introducing your dog to strangers right away. If you have children, explain to them how they should approach the new member.

Start the Training Right Away

Many Clients try to Liken their 8 week Old puppy to a human Baby! Oh its just to young to start training is the number one thing I hear. This is Farthest from the truth and potentially harmful for your pup! Weeks 8 - 16 are the Most important when it comes to Training and Socialization. During this time dogs are like Sponges and if you dont start working on those basics like toileting and primary house rules your pup very well could be learning bad habits that will be very hard to break after this period. Does this mean a dog wont learn after 16 weeks old NO! A dog any age can learn new things! Its will just be a longer Training process. Training will not only help build good habits, but it will strengthen your relationship with your dog.

Create a Schedule

The predictable routine will help you plan your time more effectively. Dogs are creatures of habit and they will get used to the regime quickly.This needs to include time for walks, training and socialization in order to create the best life for your new furry friend!

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Lake Country K9 to 5 LLC Lake Country K9 to 5 LLC

What about all these new online booking companies like Rover or Wag?

While there are Some professional Walkers that take advantage of the Marketing Leverage Rover, Wag, Care, Thumbtack, Offer- The Majority Actively Avoid most if not all of these platforms.

So who are all the people signed up as sitters?

To be Honest, The Majority are simply your average Joe/Jill Looking to make what they perceive as a quick/easy Buck. They are High School & College Students, Stay at home moms or Retired homemakers.

Unfortunately these platforms have huge marketing campaigns that have led the general public to believe that all sitters/walkers on their platforms are Professional, Insured and Some even make them seem like the sitters are employees.

Sitters and Walkers that sign up with these companies have NO OBLIGATION to be Insured, Bonded, have any certifications, or any type of prior experience or training. Background checks are OPTIONAL if they are offered at all and These sitters are considered CONTRACTORS not employees there-fore these platforms have NO liability towards the sitter or walkers actions if and when things go wrong.

Still don’t see any difference?

DO YOU REALLY KNOW WHO’S WALKING YOUR DOGS? Looks don’t matter here-anyone can post a photo and look cute walking a dog!

At Lake Country K9 to 5 LLC. WE DO know who is Walking your Dogs! We’ve done criminal background checks (5 year state and federal!), drug testing, asked for a copy of the walkers driving record, done personality assessments, checked references and invested time and money to make sure WE know who is coming into your home! We also Believe that this Job is not as simple or easy as Picking up a leash and going. We KNOW dog behavior and Body Language and all of the Certifications our staff take allows us to prepare for ANY and all situations that may arise!

Safety should be your #1 concern. Only a trained professional-skilled in pet first aid and CPR, canine body language, basic obedience, and even beyond can make the correct judgement call about the health and wellness of the dogs in their care.

Employees of established companies are trained to follow a company protocol. They follow best practices. Online companies-what do they offer?

An established company offers legal documents to sign, liability insurance, bonding and accountability. Does that online service do the same?

An established company has a back up plan in place and knows how to deal with dog and home emergencies.

Professionals put their heart and soul into caring for your loved ones whereas Hobbyists, neighbors and friends, and online people generally are in it to make extra cash.

So, if you are considering hiring someone from a platform consider all the above factors and ask yourself if your comfort level is there.

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Lake Country K9 to 5 LLC Lake Country K9 to 5 LLC

Why Should I choose a Dog walking Company vs a Solo Walker

Many clients become accustomed to one particular Walker which is normal. The dog walkers develop relationships with the clients dogs and those dogs learn to trust and love them, and of course it goes without saying, look forward to their daily routine. But its physically impossible to sustain that. Why? Well, people have lives outside of being a Dog Walker, they become ill, or they have life emergencies. Its truly unrealistic to expect services performed 365 days a year by just one person!

In hiring a company such as ours, you are guaranteed that you will always have a back up. Imagine that your “Primary” Walker goes on vacation or becomes Ill. She’s unavailable. Or Alternatively You Have a work Schedule Change, but your “Primary” Walker isn’t available for the new schedule, Her books are full because she has no backup, Leaving you Searching for and vetting a new walker!

A team business Model is a huge advantage to you because we will always be able to serve your dog walking needs!

My business is based on a team approach. What does this mean? It means that all of my walkers are equally capable of caring for each of our clients dogs, and all are equally trained to handle any and all emergencies.

Somehow, when a team member leaves, clients panic. Somehow they think that Sally won’t be able to walk Fluffy the same way that Brenda did. Many clients want to meet the new sitter to make sure they don’t have two heads or are perhaps part of a cult. Mrs. Client, trust me on this. They did not become part of my team by being part of a cult or being involved in wrong doing. We do rigorous background and personality testing so I can sleep at night. And yes, if you want to meet your new Walker, I need to schedule an appointment, and yes, there will be a walk charge.

Another why? Contrary to popular belief, my business is a business. Somehow there is an association with animals being not for profit. While we want you to feel comfortable, each of our Walkers, need to get in their car (spend gas) to come over, spend time with you, and they also gets paid for this because it is work. Yep. Its the law. We have to pay them for all work related activities.

While we aim to provide the best dog walking service in the Lake Country Wisconsin area, breathe easy that your loved ones will be loved and cared for. Always. And forever. And by a variety of dog walkers who will absolutely adore your babies!

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Lake Country K9 to 5 LLC Lake Country K9 to 5 LLC

K9 to 5 Blog: Why Hire A Professional Dog walker?

So What makes a Professional Dog walker different?

There are many types of cheeses and wines in the world-and the same holds true for Dog Walkers. Many so called professional are not insured, bonded or Pet First Aid or CPR trained, nor are they able to send in back-ups if something were to happen to them, or something happen to the other dogs they are caring for.

We have been in business for over 7 years serving Jefferson and Waukesha Counties as professional dog walkers.

Each Team Member is insured, bonded, Pet First Aid and CPR certified, Dog Bite Prevention Certified and Certified as Fear Free Pet Professionals. Several Staff are also Certified dog trainers.

We work as a team, so if back up is needed, your dogs wont miss their walks.

As professional dog walkers in the Lake Country area we like to place ourselves as a shining example of doing everything right. Our Clients Dogs are our first priority; their safety and wellness, their comfort and YOUR peace of mind.

If you are looking for a professional, these are some things that you should be looking for:

1.     A dog walker who is at minimum insured and pet first aid and cpr certified.

2.   Years in business over three years. This Career field is a one with a high burn out rate and if someone can weather the storm of the first two years, they should be set for life.

3.  Someone who only walks YOUR dog and your family of dogs at the same time. (Walks should never be combined UNLESS you have given sole and strict permission to the walker.)

4.  Someone who understands canine body language and knows how to read and understands it.

5.  Someone who always does the right thing. This may seem like common sense, but someone who is on the phone and smoking is not this person.

6.  A Dog lover who, in his or her core puts your dogs first. This means not being on the phone booking appointments and chatting.

One of the best ways to find a professional dog walker is to look on PSI or use Google and to call present clients. Do NOT be afraid of asking a potential company for a list of references for their walkers, as, if they are as proud of the team as I am, they will be eager to share.

Lastly, trust your gut. Don’t Just sign up with a company because their rates are the cheapest or they have the soonest availability. Not every Company is a fit for every client and Finding that right fit for your dog is The most important part of this Process.

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